hi. hello. bonjour. welcome.
I'd like to introduce you to a new small business appreciation blog series I'm starting highlighting different local businesses!
My first stop brings me to Sudz Laundromat in Oxford, MA. Mike & Sarah recently purchased this business and hope to run this for years to come into a family owned business for their future kids! These two are engaged so I couldn't help but sneak a few couple portraits into my visit.
Now newly painted and cleaned from top to bottom, Mike & Sarah have completely impressed their customers with their new coffee bar from New England Coffee (same as N&Js!) and friendly smile greeting you at the front door.
Head to 732 Main St in Oxford, MA and tell them Tiffany from Pants Photography sent ya!
Check out Sudz Laundromat at https://www.facebook.com/sudzwashandfold/
